Home » If Somalia Joins East African Community (EAC) what it brings?

If Somalia Joins East African Community (EAC) what it brings?

by CKG Editor

Somalia has been working towards joining the East African Community (EAC) for several years, and it could potentially bring significant benefits to the country. The EAC is a regional intergovernmental organization composed of six member states: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of Somalia joining the EAC.

One of the primary benefits of Somalia joining the EAC is that it would lead to greater economic integration with other East African countries. This would create a larger market for Somali goods and services, which would help to boost the country’s economy. In addition, Somalia could benefit from the free trade area within the EAC, which would remove trade barriers and promote trade among member states.

By joining the EAC, Somalia would have greater access to foreign investment from other EAC member states. The EAC provides a framework for investment promotion, and it encourages cross-border investments. This could help to attract more foreign investors to Somalia, leading to increased economic development and job creation.

Joining the EAC would provide an opportunity for Somalia to improve its infrastructure, including transportation, communication, and energy. The EAC has several programs and initiatives aimed at developing and improving infrastructure in member states. For example, the East African Power Pool is working to develop a regional electricity grid, which could potentially benefit Somalia.

Somalia has experienced significant security challenges over the past few decades, including terrorism and piracy. Joining the EAC would provide an opportunity for Somalia to collaborate with other member states on security issues. The EAC has a number of initiatives aimed at promoting peace and security in the region, including the East African Standby Force and the East African Counter-Terrorism Centre.

Joining the EAC would also provide an opportunity for Somalia to collaborate with other member states on a range of issues, including health, education, and environmental protection.

The EAC has several programs and initiatives aimed at promoting regional cooperation, including the East African Community Health Research Commission and the East African Science and Technology Commission.

In conclusion, joining the East African Community could potentially bring significant benefits to Somalia. It would lead to greater economic integration with other East African countries, providing a larger market for Somali goods and services. It would also provide greater access to investment and an opportunity to improve infrastructure.

Joining the EAC would also provide an opportunity for Somalia to collaborate with other member states on security and other issues. While there may be challenges associated with joining the EAC, the potential benefits could help to promote economic development and regional stability in Somalia.

By – Ahmed Mohamed

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